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Forthright, a global provider of process design, automation, and management solutions, has been selected by the State of New Jersey to administer No-Fault Insurance Personal Injury Protection (PIP) arbitrations under the State’s Automobile Insurance Cost Reduction Act.
SOC Compliant Logo
Forthright is a SOC II Type II Compliant Organization
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Administrator of the New Jersey No-Fault PIP Arbitration Program
Forthright Logo
Administrator of the New Jersey No-Fault PIP Arbitration Program

Forthright seeks candidates for future positions as Dispute Resolution Professionals (DRPs) to arbitrate personal injury protection (PIP) disputes. This recruitment is to identify and qualify candidates who would like to be considered for a DRP position in the future as positions become available. Candidates should meet the requirements set forth in N.J.A.C. 11:3-5.5 and N.J.A.C. 11:3-5-12. Please submit resumes by August 30, 2024 to Please reference “DRP Position” in the subject line. Only electronic resumes will be considered.

Website Maintenance

Due to scheduled maintenance, this site will be unavailable beginning at approximately 10:00 AM CDT on Saturday, June 1, 2024. The duration of the outage is anticipated to be approximately 8 hours, but may be longer. We apologize for any inconvenience.


SETTLEMENT WEEK is Monday, December 4 through Friday, December 8, 2023. During that week no arbitration hearings are scheduled so parties and attorneys can negotiate case settlements. Forthright can also assist in arranging Zoom mediations with DRPs at no cost to the parties during that week. If you have consent from your adversary to mediate, you may request a DRP mediator by sending your request and a list of cases to Robert Maiorana at


SettlementIQ™ is a secure, smart settlement solution, providing the online tools to exchange and track offers and counteroffers in real time. With SettlementIQ™ you can maximize your savings on fees, settle cases singly or in batches, create and save customized searches, draft proposals or counter offers and communicate through instant messaging. For more information, go to your Case Dashboard and select the links under Smart Settlement Solutions or give us a call at 888-881-6231.


Forthright seeks candidates for future positions as Dispute Resolution Professionals (DRPs) to arbitrate personal injury protection (PIP) disputes. This recruitment is to identify and qualify candidates who would like to be considered for a DRP position in the future as positions become available. Candidates should meet the requirements set forth in N.J.A.C. 11:3-5.5 and N.J.A.C. 11:3-5-12. Please submit resumes by September 22, 2023 to Please reference “DRP Position” in the subject line. Only electronic resumes will be considered.


SETTLEMENT WEEK is Monday, June 5, 2023 through Friday June 9, 2023. During that week no arbitration hearings are scheduled so parties and attorneys can negotiate case settlements. Forthright can also assist in arranging Zoom mediations with DRPs at no cost to the parties during that week. You may request a DRP mediator by sending your request and a list of cases to Robert Maiorana at


Forthright is seeking volunteers from the PIP community to serve as members of the No-Fault Advisory Council. The Council is composed of users of the PIP dispute resolution system. The Council’s role is to advise as to the selection of dispute resolution professionals and to periodically review rules and procedures. Criteria for selection are described in the Advisory Council Rules which are posted online at and include, but are not limited to, knowledge of the PIP dispute resolution process, demonstrated commitment to preserve the neutrality of the process, availability to attend Advisory Council meetings and a willingness to devote the time necessary for Council business. Interested persons should apply via email to explaining their interest and qualifications. Please insert “AC application” in the subject line.


SETTLEMENT WEEK is Monday, December 5, 2022 through Friday December 9, 2022. During that week no arbitration hearings are scheduled so parties and attorneys can negotiate case settlements. Forthright can also assist in arranging Zoom mediations with DRPs at no cost to the parties during that week. You may request a DRP mediator by sending your request and a list of cases to Robert Maiorana at


Forthright seeks candidates for future positions as Dispute Resolution Professionals (DRPs) to arbitrate personal injury protection (PIP) disputes. This recruitment is to identify and qualify candidates who would like to be considered for a DRP position in the future as positions become available. Candidates should meet the requirements set in N.J.A.C. 11:3-5.5 and N.J.A.C. 11:3-5-12. Please submit resumes by October 10, 2022 to Please reference “DRP Position” in the subject line. Only electronic resumes will be considered.


The mediation tool– a free, upfront PIP Pilot Mediation Program for any party with a scheduled in-person PIP hearing in the NJ arbitration program - enables parties to embrace the cost savings alternative of settling their cases. The Mediation Program allows parties to meet via video conference with a trained and experienced DRP/Mediator to discuss the specific issues preventing resolution of their case. The mediation will take place early in the arbitration process and can allow all parties to avoid the expense of preparing comprehensive arbitration submissions, or the time necessary to prepare for the arbitration hearing.

If you are interested in learning more about the Forthright NJ PIP Mediation Program, click on the "Information about Mediation" on this Case link in your case management page. You will receive additional information on the program and instructions on how Forthright will initiate contact with all parties to obtain consent and schedule a Zoom mediation within the following 30 days.


SETTLEMENT WEEK is Monday, June 6, 2022 through Friday June 10, 2022. During that week no arbitration hearings are scheduled so parties and attorneys can negotiate case settlements. Forthright can also assist in arranging Zoom mediations with DRPs at no cost to the parties during that week. You may request a DRP mediator by sending your request and a list of cases to Robert Maiorana at


To better assist in the settlement of PIP arbitrations, Forthright provides a mediation program for PIP cases. Additional information is available below.


SETTLEMENT WEEK is Monday, June 7, 2021 through Friday June 11, 2021. During that week no arbitration hearings are scheduled so parties and attorneys can negotiate case settlements. Forthright can also assist in arranging Zoom mediations with DRPs at no cost to the parties during that week. You may request a DRP mediator by sending your request and a list of cases to Robert Maiorana at


Our web site has been updated although all the functions from the old site are still here.  We think you will find this page more user-friendly and easier to navigate.   The tools for case management can still be found on the left and the rules, forms and other information is found by clicking the links at the top of the page.  Additional important information and documents are listed in the drop-down menu on our new home page.


Forthright continues to require all In-Person hearings be conducted telephonically. The telephonic only hearings requirement will remain in effect until further notice as we continue to monitor Executive Orders from the Governor’s office and recommendations of the CDC and NJ Health Department. We do not make this decision without careful consideration of the limitations it may impose. However, the NJ No Fault arbitration rules provide for this course, and such presentations have been effectively utilized thousands of times since the beginning of our administration of this program. We urge you to remember that the most important steps you can take are self-care. Thank you for your cooperation and your understanding, as together we navigate this challenging situation.


As law firms and respondents comply with the Governor's Executive Order No. 107 please be reminded to update any changes in contact information with Forthright. The NJ No-Fault Arbitration Program continues to accept arbitration demands, process submissions, answer any inquiry and conduct In-Person hearings (telephonically) as well as OTP. Although we are encouraging electronic filings and submissions, we can still accept demands and submissions by mail.

Have Questions or Need Help? Contact Us
Important Information and Documents
New Jersey PIP arbitration program is entirely self-funded through user fees and places no burden on New Jersey taxpayers.
Forthright, a global provider of process design, automation, and management solutions, has been selected by the State of New Jersey to administer No-Fault Insurance Personal Injury Protection (PIP) arbitrations under the State’s Automobile Insurance Cost Reduction Act.
SOC Compliant Logo
Forthright is a SOC II Type II Compliant Organization
New Jersey PIP arbitration program is entirely self-funded through user fees and places no burden on New Jersey taxpayers.