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Forthright, a global provider of process design, automation, and management solutions, has been selected by the State of New Jersey to administer No-Fault Insurance Personal Injury Protection (PIP) arbitrations under the State’s Automobile Insurance Cost Reduction Act.
SOC Compliant Logo
Forthright is a SOC II Type II Compliant Organization
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Administrator of the New Jersey No-Fault PIP Arbitration Program
PART IV – FEES (effective March, 1 2013)

F- 1. Claimant’s Fees

a)Administrative Fee and In-Person Fee 
For an in-person case, the party filing a (1) Demand for Arbitration or (2) a corrected Demand for Arbitration to reinstate the case shall pay fees in the amount of $225 to Forthright, consisting of a $200 administrative fee and a $25 in-person fee. The fees are due and payable in full at the time of filing. 

The claimant shall be entitled to a refund of $50 of the administrative fee if (a) the respondent filed a Statement of Response within 45 days of the initiating letter and (b) Forthright received notice of the settlement of all claims in dispute within 30 days from the date the respondent’s Statement of Response was received by Forthright.

Any party filing an Amended Demand for Arbitration to add a new respondent pursuant to Rule 38 more than 45 days from the date of initiation of the original case shall pay $225 to Forthright, consisting of a $200 administrative fee and a $25 in-person hearing fee. The fees are due and payable in full at the time of filing. 

If the claimant utilizes fully electronic case filing and management, at the conclusion of the case (which includes any post-award procedures) Forthright will refund claimant $15 of fees paid. 

b)Emergent In-Person Hearing 
Any application for an Emergent In-Person hearing pursuant to Rule 34 shall include an application fee of $100, in addition to the in-person fees set forth above.

c)Administrative Fees – On-the-papers 
For an on-the-papers case, the party filing a (1) Demand for Arbitration or (2) a corrected Demand for Arbitration to reinstate the case shall pay an administrative fee of $200 to Forthright. The fee is due and payable in full at the time of filing. 

The claimant shall be entitled to a refund of $50 of the administrative fee if (a) the respondent filed a Statement of Response within 45 days of the initiating letter and (b) Forthright received notice of the settlement of all claims in dispute within 30 days from the date the respondent’s Statement of Response was received by Forthright.

Any party filing an Amended Demand for Arbitration to add a new respondent pursuant to Rule 52 more than 45 days from the date of initiation of the original case shall pay an administrative fee of $200 to Forthright. The fee is due and payable in full at the time of filing. 

If the claimant utilizes fully electronic case filing and management, at the conclusion of the case (which includes any post-award procedures) Forthright will refund claimant $15 of fees paid. 

d)Transfer of Proceeding from On-the-Papers to In-Person
An in-person fee of $25 is immediately due and payable from the claimant upon transfer of a case from on-the-papers proceedings to in-person proceedings under these rules.

F- 2. Respondent’s Fees

a)Administrative Fee and In-Person Fee 
For an in-person case, fees in the amount of $225, consisting of a $200 administrative fee and a $25 in-person fee are due from the respondent to Forthright unless all claims in dispute are resolved and Forthright receives a notice of settlement or withdrawal within 45 days from the date of the initiating letter.

The respondent shall be entitled to a refund of $50 of the administrative fee if (a) the respondent filed a Statement of Response within 45 days of the initiating letter, and (b) Forthright received notice of the settlement of all claims in dispute within 30 days from the date the Statement of Response was received by Forthright, and (3) the respondent has paid the administrative fee. 

Any party filing an Amended Demand for Arbitration to add a new respondent pursuant to Rule 38 more than 45 days from the date of initiation of the original case shall pay $225 to Forthright, consisting of a $200 administrative fee and a $25 in-person hearing fee. The fees are due and payable in full at the time of filing.

If the respondent utilizes fully electronic case filing and management, at the conclusion of the case (which includes any post-award procedures) Forthright will refund respondent$15 of fees paid.

b)Emergent In-Person Hearing
If a Demand for Arbitration seeks an Emergent hearing, then the respondent’s administrative fee is due immediately.

c)Administrative Fee – On-the-Papers
For an on-the-papers case, an administrative fee of $200 is due from the respondent to Forthright unless all claims in dispute are resolved and Forthright receives a notice of settlement or withdrawal within 45 days from the date of the initiating letter.

The respondent shall be entitled to a refund of $50 of the administrative fee if (a) the respondent filed a Statement of Response within 45 days of the initiating letter, and (b) Forthright received notice of the settlement of all claims in dispute within 30 days from the date the Statement of Response was received by Forthright, and (3) the respondent has paid the administrative fee. 

Any party filing an Amended Demand for Arbitration to add a new respondent pursuant to Rule 52 more than 45 days from the date of initiation of the original case shall pay an administrative fee of $200 to Forthright. The fee is due and payable in full at the time of filing. 

If the respondent utilizes fully electronic case filing and management, at the conclusion of the case (which includes any post-award procedures) Forthright will refund respondent$15 of fees paid.

d)Transfer of Proceeding from On-the-Papers to In-Person
An in-person fee of $25 is immediately due and payable from the respondent upon transfer of a case from on-the-papers proceedings to in-person proceedings under these rules.

F- 3. Dismissal Application Fee 
Any application for Dismissal shall include an application fee of $100. 

If the Application for Dismissal is not received by Forthright within 45 days of the date of the Initiating Letter, the respondent must also submit the appropriate administrative fee in Rule F-2 a) above.

If the Application for Dismissal results in an Order dismissing all claims presented, or if the arbitration is withdrawn by the filing party prior to the date that Forthright submits the Application for Dismissal and response to the DRP for decision, then the successful respondent shall be entitled to a refund of the $100 dismissal application fee. 

F- 4. Fee for Three-DRP Panel 
An additional $500 shall be paid when 3 DRPs are appointed in accordance with Rule 12. The fee shall be paid by the requesting party or shall be paid equally if agreed upon by all parties.

F- 5. MRO Processing Fee
Any requests for MRO review made pursuant to these rules shall be accompanied by a processing fee of $100 in addition to the charges required by the medical review organization.

F- 6. Fees for Appeal 
A party requesting an Appeal shall pay an administrative fee of $630.

F- 7. Fees for Information Requests
Parties requesting case information or copies of documents from Forthright shall pay such fee as set by Forthright in its sole discretion.

F- 8. Abeyance Fee
If a case is placed in abeyance by consent of all parties, Forthright shall keep the case in abeyance without charge for up to 365 calendar days. If the parties consent to keeping a case in abeyance for any additional time, the claimant shall pay to Forthright an administrative fee of $100 for each additional period of up to 365 calendar days. If the claimant fails to pay the required fee, Forthright shall administratively dismiss the case on notice to all parties.

F- 9. Fees Nonrefundable
All fees are nonrefundable except where otherwise specifically indicated.

F- 10. Interest
Forthright reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to charge interest on all past due fees. 

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Important Information and Documents
New Jersey PIP arbitration program is entirely self-funded through user fees and places no burden on New Jersey taxpayers.
Forthright, a global provider of process design, automation, and management solutions, has been selected by the State of New Jersey to administer No-Fault Insurance Personal Injury Protection (PIP) arbitrations under the State’s Automobile Insurance Cost Reduction Act.
SOC Compliant Logo
Forthright is a SOC II Type II Compliant Organization
New Jersey PIP arbitration program is entirely self-funded through user fees and places no burden on New Jersey taxpayers.